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MM Green's craft is somewhat a product of her fathers artistic influence and training, she having learnt from his hand at a very young age. Illustrator and artist Peter Green taught her form and perspective and impressed upon her an appreciation for some of his own influences: traditionalist painters including Bouguereau and Sargent and such contemporary painters as Andrew Wyeth and Wayne Thiebaud.


In grade school Green presented to her class a study on female artist Mary Cassatt and, with the focus of children in portraits, taught a lesson in painting.


Art certainly played a large part in her growing up, doodling on notebooks to her heart's whimsy and eventually taking it more seriously and compiling a Limited edition book and debut gallery showing of some drawings in 2003. 


2013 marked her venture into hyperrealistic portraiture with her solo painting show, "What's Good." Twenty oil portraits of African-American men- writers, musicians, et al.- make up the series. Most notably, rapper Lil Wayne sat for MM green and his likeness represents one of the pieces, "Dwayne." She garnered write-ups in and interviews for known publications such as the Huffington Post.


Having focused mostly on commissions and portraits, Green has joined forces with the newly formed Art House Gallery and created two shows in the past year reflecting facets of all of Green's past works including  pseudo-geometrical compositions and free-styled quirkily expressive portraits and doodles.

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